Java8 - Types of method references

Category : Java | Sub Category : Java8 Features | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2023-11-13 05:23:34 Viewed : 239

In Java, there are several types of method references, each corresponding to a specific situation where a method is invoked. Method references provide a more concise syntax when working with lambda expressions. The main types of method references are:

1. Static Method References:

  • Refers to a static method.

  • Syntax: ClassName::staticMethodName

    // Lambda expression Function<Integer, String> toStringLambda = (num) -> String.valueOf(num); // Static method reference Function<Integer, String> toStringReference = String::valueOf;

2. Instance Method References on a Particular Instance:

  • Refers to an instance method of a particular object.

  • Syntax: instance::instanceMethodName

    // Lambda expression Predicate<String> isEmptyLambda = (str) -> str.isEmpty(); // Instance method reference on a particular instance String sampleString = "Hello, World!"; Predicate<String> isEmptyReference = sampleString::isEmpty;

3. Instance Method References on an Arbitrary Instance:

  • Refers to an instance method of the first parameter as an input.

  • Syntax: ClassName::instanceMethodName

    // Lambda expression BiFunction<String, String, Boolean> startsWithLambda = (str, prefix) -> str.startsWith(prefix); // Instance method reference on an arbitrary instance BiFunction<String, String, Boolean> startsWithReference = String::startsWith;

4. Constructor References:

  • Refers to a constructor.

  • Syntax:

    • For parameterless constructors: ClassName::new
    • For constructors with parameters: ClassName::new
    // Lambda expression Supplier<List<String>> listSupplierLambda = () -> new ArrayList<>(); // Constructor reference Supplier<List<String>> listSupplierReference = ArrayList::new;

5. Reference to an Instance Method of an Arbitrary Object of a Particular Type:

  • Refers to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type.

  • Syntax: ClassName::instanceMethodName

    // Lambda expression BiFunction<String, String, Boolean> endsWithLambda = (str, suffix) -> str.endsWith(suffix); // Instance method reference on an arbitrary instance of a particular type BiFunction<String, String, Boolean> endsWithReference = String::endsWith;


import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.Supplier; public class MethodReferencesExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Static method reference Function<Integer, String> staticMethodRef = String::valueOf; // Instance method reference on a particular instance Predicate<String> instanceMethodRef1 = "Hello"::equals; // Instance method reference on an arbitrary instance Predicate<String> instanceMethodRef2 = String::isEmpty; // Constructor reference Supplier<List<String>> constructorRef = ArrayList::new; // Reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type BiFunction<String, String, Boolean> arbitraryInstanceMethodRef = String::endsWith; // Print results System.out.println(staticMethodRef.apply(42)); // "42" System.out.println(instanceMethodRef1.test("Hello")); // true System.out.println(instanceMethodRef2.test("")); // true System.out.println(constructorRef.get()); // [] System.out.println(arbitraryInstanceMethodRef.apply("Hello", "lo")); // true } }

In this example, various types of method references are used, demonstrating the syntax for static methods, instance methods on particular instances, instance methods on arbitrary instances, constructor references, and references to instance methods of arbitrary objects of a particular type.

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