Scala Single dimensionalArray

Category : Scala | Sub Category : Scala Programs | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2020-10-08 10:18:19 Viewed : 629

Scala Single dimensionalArray

In Scala, you can create a single-dimensional array using the Array class. Here is how to create and work with single-dimensional arrays, along with examples and their outputs:

Creating a Single-Dimensional Array:

You can create a single-dimensional array in Scala by providing the data type and initializing the array with values. Here is an example using an array of integers:

val numbers: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Alternatively, you can also create an empty array and then populate it:

val numbers: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](5) numbers(0) = 1 numbers(1) = 2 numbers(2) = 3 numbers(3) = 4 numbers(4) = 5

Accessing Elements:

You can access elements of a single-dimensional array using their indices. Array indices in Scala start at 0.

val thirdElement = numbers(2) // Access the third element (index 2)

Modifying Elements:

You can modify elements of an array by assigning new values to them.

numbers(1) = 10 // Change the second element (index 1) to 10

Iterating Over Elements:

You can use loops or higher-order functions like foreach to iterate over the elements of an array. Here is an example using a for loop:

for (i <- 0 until numbers.length) { println(numbers(i)) }

Or you can use the foreach method:


Example with Output:

Lets put it all together with an example that creates an array of integers, modifies some elements, and then prints the elements:

object ArrayExample { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val numbers: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // Modify an element numbers(1) = 10 // Print all elements println("Array elements:") numbers.foreach(println) } }


Array elements: 1 10 3 4 5

In this example, we create an array of integers, change the second element to 10, and then print all the elements of the array.

 Array is a collection of mutable values. It is an index based data structure which starts from 0 index to n-1 where n is length of array.

final classArray[T] extends with java.lang.Cloneable 

Arrays are mutable, indexed collections of values. Array[T] is Scala(s) representation for Java(s) T[].

1.   val numbers = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)

2.   val first = numbers(0) // read the first element

numbers(3) = 100 // replace the 4th array element with 100

3.   val biggerNumbers = * 2) // multiply all numbers by two 

Arrays make use of two common pieces of Scala syntactic sugar, shown on lines 2 and 3 of the above example code. Line 2 is translated into a call to apply(Int), while line 3 is translated into a call to update(Int, T).

The conversion to ArrayOps takes priority over the conversion to ArraySeq. For instance, consider the following code:

val arr = Array(1, 2, 3)

val arrReversed = arr.reverse

val seqReversed : collection.Seq[Int] = arr.reverse

 ·        Syntax for Single Dimensional Array

var arrayName : Array[arrayType] = new Array[arrayType](arraySize);   or 

var arrayName = new Array[arrayType](arraySize)  or  

var arrayName : Array[arrayType] = new Array(arraySize);   or  

var arrayName = Array(element1, element2 ... elementN)   


    Following example illustrates about Scala single dimensional Array

    Save the file as −  SingleDimeArray.scala. 


package runnerdev

class ArrayDeclare {

  var arr = Array(1, "cat", "dog", 4, 5) // Creating single dimensional array

  def show() {

    for (a <- arr) // Traversing array elements


    println("Third Element is  " + arr(2)) // Accessing elements by using index



object SingleDimeArray {

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

    var a = new ArrayDeclare()



compile and run the above example as follows 

scala> scalac SingleDimeArray.scala

scala> scala SingleDimeArray 







Third Element is dog  

Example 2:

     Following example illustrates about Scala Sinlge dimensional Array

      Save the file as −  SingleDimeArray2.scala 


package runnerdev

class ArrayDeclare2 {

  var arr = new Array[Int](5) // Creating single dimensional array

  arr(0) = 10

  arr(1) = 11;

  arr(2) = 12;

  arr(3) = 13;

  def show() {

    for (x <- arr) { // Traversing array elements



    println("Third Element before assignment = " + arr(3)) // Accessing elements by using index

    arr(3) = 11 // Assigning new element at 2 index

    println("Third Element after assignment = " + arr(3))



object SingleDimeArray2 {

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

    var arrayObj = new ArrayDeclare2()



compile and run the above example as follows 

scala> scalac ArrayDeclare2.scala

scala> scala ArrayDeclare2







Third Element before assignment = 13

Third Element after assignment = 11

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